Thanks to the generosity of its donors and to favorable earnings on its investment portfolio, the Catholic Foundation of the South Plains has awarded $110,978 in grants to the following recipients:
Catholic Charities to fund rural workshop for legal immigration services in Snyder
Christ the King Schools for re-wiring equipment to improve security.
Mercy Retreat Center to purchase new bedding to improve comfort and cleanliness for retreat participants.
Sacred Heart -Hamlin to purchase new sacristy items for 100th anniversary celebration.
St. Francis Mission Sisters to assist people in need to attend retreat.
St. Joseph - Rotan to purchase items in church for improved safety.
St. Mary - Aspermont for new carpet in classrooms.
St. Michael - Ralls for new carpet in church.
St. Philip Benezi - Idalou to help with expenses for youth to attend conference in order to learn leadership skills and build discipleship.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Lubbock for pastoral salaries and insurance expense within the Diocese