Thanks to the generosity of its donors and to favorable earnings on its investment portfolio, the Catholic Foundation of the South Plains has awarded $110,978 in grants to the following recipients:
Catholic Charities to fund rural workshop for legal immigration services in Snyder
Christ the King Schools for re-wiring equipment to improve security.
Mercy Retreat Center to purchase new bedding to improve comfort and cleanliness for retreat participants.
Sacred Heart -Hamlin to purchase new sacristy items for 100th anniversary celebration.
St. Francis Mission Sisters to assist people in need to attend retreat.
St. Joseph - Rotan to purchase items in church for improved safety.
St. Mary - Aspermont for new carpet in classrooms.
St. Michael - Ralls for new carpet in church.
St. Philip Benezi - Idalou to help with expenses for youth to attend conference in order to learn leadership skills and build discipleship.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Lubbock for discretionary needs within the Diocese